General Discussion
A forum for general topics. As always, we expect respect and kindness from our forum participants.
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2 years, 11 months ago
Question and Issue Support
A forum for the posting of library work-related questions and issues for response and answer. As always, we have an expectation of respect and kindness from our forum participants.
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4 years, 1 month ago
TCLC Coordinator
Job Opportunities
Please post open positions and opportunities as related to libraries, higher education, and research. As always, we have the expectation of respect and kindness from forum participants.
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4 months, 1 week ago
TCLC Coordinator
TCLC Interest Group: Circulation
A forum for the TCLC Circulation Interest Group to be used for posting information and questions regarding library circulation-related topics. As always, we have an expectation of respect and kindness from our forum participants. Topics or replies that do not meet that expectation may be subject to review and removal by the forum moderator.
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2 years ago
TCLC Coordinator
TCLC Topic Forum: OER
The practice of Open Education and use of Open Educational Resources affects multiple areas of library operations. This forum aspires to connect TCLC librarians and staff who have an interest in OER/Open Ed, have contemplated an OER initiative, are currently advocating for and implementing OER programs on their campuses, or are simply wondering what it’s all about! We hope that we can spread awareness of OER/Open Education and strengthen our skills and our programs through collaboration.
This is a place to ask questions, share, and discuss all things OER. If a thread generates enough sustained interest, we could schedule an informal, virtual meeting. Nothing to commit to, nothing to join. All are welcome!
Carol Traveny, Bryn Athyn College
Jenifer Baldwin, St. Joseph’s University
Adam Altman, Cabrini University
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5 months, 3 weeks ago
TCLC Coordinator
TCLC Interest Group: eLearning
A forum for the TCLC eLearning Interest Group to be used for posting information and questions regarding eLearning-related topics. As always, we have an expectation of respect and kindness from our forum participants. Topics or replies that do not meet that expectation may be subject to review and removal by the forum moderator.
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3 years, 4 months ago
TCLC Interest Group: Research and Instruction
A forum for the TCLC Research and Instruction Interest Group to be used for posting information and questions regarding eLearning-related topics. As always, we have an expectation of respect and kindness from our forum participants. Topics or replies that do not meet that expectation may be subject to review and removal by the forum moderator.
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3 years, 3 months ago